That night we still had no power so we headed into town to look into another form of heat, and some food. After a night of games by candle light and flashlights, the kids were bundles up in the living room with "sock pajamas" and lots of blankets! Some time in the wee hours of the early morning the power returned! So thankful. Along with the power the snow had begun to fall as well.
Saturday was spent inside, warm and cleaning up around the house..... we didn't know if we would lose the power again or not.... The snow fell off and on through out the day, but nothing to major. It wasn't until around 6 or so did the snow just decide to come non stop. The amount on the ground accumulated pretty good by the time we headed to bed. This is what our Sunday morning looked like at our place. With icy roads and all.

This is our road..... it it was super icy!

Pics look great Angie!
I know you probably think I am crazy, but I am super jealous! :)
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